Final Platform Layer 0.9.8-beta
No Matches
Using Binary Files

Reading Files

Opening a Binary File

To open a binary file, simply declare a fplFileHandle somewhere and call fplFileOpenBinary() with a valid UTF-8 path to open it.

fplFileHandle fileHandle;
if (fplFileOpenBinary("myimage.jpg", &fileHandle)) {
// ... read data
fpl_platform_api void fplFileClose(fplFileHandle *fileHandle)
Closes the given file and releases the underlying resources and clears the handle to zero.
fpl_platform_api bool fplFileOpenBinary(const char *filePath, fplFileHandle *outHandle)
Opens a binary file for reading from a string path and returns the handle of it.
The filehandle structure.
Call fplFileClose() to close a file when you are done.

Reading from the file

To read a block of n-bytes from the file starting from the current file position, simply call fplFileReadBlock() with your filehandle and a buffer to read into.

struct jpeg_header; // defined somewhere
fplFileHandle fileHandle;
if (fplFileOpenBinary("myimage.jpg", &fileHandle)) {
size_t read;
// Read the first 4 characters
char fourCC[4];
read = fplFileReadBlock(&fileHandle, 4, fourCC, sizeof(fourCC));
fplAssert(read == 4);
// or
// Read a JPEG-Header
jpeg_header jpegHeader;
size_t read;
read = fplFileReadBlock(&fileHandle, sizeof(jpegHeader), &jpegHeader, sizeof(jpegHeader));
fplAssert(read == sizeof(jpegHeader));
#define fplAssert(exp)
Breaks with an runtime assertion, when the specified expression evaluates to false.
fpl_platform_api size_t fplFileReadBlock(const fplFileHandle *fileHandle, const size_t sizeToRead, void *targetBuffer, const size_t maxTargetBufferSize)
Reads a block from the given file and returns the number of bytes read.

Writing Files

Creating a Binary File

To create a binary file, simply declare a fplFileHandle somewhere and call fplFileCreateBinary() with a valid UTF-8 path to open it.
If the file already exists, it will be overridden automatically.

fplFileHandle fileHandle;
if (fplFileCreateBinary("myimage.jpg", &fileHandle)) {
// ... write data
fpl_platform_api bool fplFileCreateBinary(const char *filePath, fplFileHandle *outHandle)
Create a binary file for writing to the given string path and returns the handle of it.
Call fplFileClose() to close a file when you are done.

Writing to the file

To write n-bytes of memory into an opened file beginning at the current file position, simply call fplFileWriteBlock() with your filehandle and the buffer you want to write.

fplFileHandle fileHandle;
char *saveGameFilePath = ...
if (fplFileCreateBinary(saveGameFilePath, &fileHandle)) {
char savegameFourCC[4] = {'S', 'A', 'V', 'E'};
uint8_t *savegameDataPtr = ...;
size_t savegameDataSize = ...;
// Write a savegame
fplFileWriteBlock(&fileHandle, savegameFourCC, 4);
fplFileWriteBlock(&fileHandle, savegameDataPtr, savegameDataSize);
fpl_common_api size_t fplFileWriteBlock(const fplFileHandle *fileHandle, void *sourceBuffer, const size_t sourceSize)
Writes a block to the given file and returns the number of written bytes.

File Position

Getting the current file position

Call fplFileGetPosition() to get the current file position from a opened fplFileHandle .

fplFileHandle fileHandle = ...
size_t curPos = fplFileGetPosition(&fileHandle);
fpl_common_api size_t fplFileGetPosition(const fplFileHandle *fileHandle)
Gets the current file position in bytes.

Setting the current file position (Seeking)

Call fplFileSetPosition() to set the current file position on a opened fplFileHandle .

fplFileHandle fileHandle = ...
// Seek 4-bytes forwards from the current position
fplFileSetPosition(&fileHandle, 4, fplFilePositionMode_Current);
// Seek 8-bytes backwards from the current position
// Seek to the 128-byte from the beginning (Absolute seeking)
// Seek to the start of the file
// Seek to the end of the file (Get file length)
size_t fileLength = fplFileSetPosition(&fileHandle, 0, fplFilePositionMode_End);
fpl_common_api size_t fplFileSetPosition(const fplFileHandle *fileHandle, const intptr_t position, const fplFilePositionMode mode)
Sets the current file position by the given position, depending on the mode it's absolute or relative...
@ fplFilePositionMode_Beginning
Starts from the beginning.
@ fplFilePositionMode_Current
Starts from the current position.
@ fplFilePositionMode_End
Starts from the end.

Default vs 32-bit vs 64-bit

There are three versions for file reading/writing and seekings:

  • A version which uses uint32_t or int32_t (32-bit only, Limited to 2 GB of file = 2^31).
  • A version which uses uint64_t or int64_t (64-bit only, Limited to 2 TB of file = 2^63).
  • A default version which uses size_t or intptr_t always and use either the 32-bit or the 64-bit, depending on the compiled CPU-Architecture.

    See the next sections for more details.


Uses either 32-bit or the 64-bit, depending on the compiled CPU architecture:


Limited to 32-bit:


Up to 2-TB (64-bit):